“Yearning for _____”
A Three-man Show by Anya Bongato, Cholo Cardenas and Victoria Fabella.
Human beings are social species, ones who rely on understanding their environment and establishing relationships with others to survive. Being in an extended period of isolation, absent of these familiar connections, results in this void or space within us, both physically and in abstract. The primal need to fill these vacancies gnaws on our psyche at every moment to fulfill it.
“Yearning for _____” aims to define and explore the question of “what are we yearning for to fill these voids as humans?”. With our environment constantly changing, we come to question if our desires before still fit to remedy our present day struggles. Or, perhaps, we long for things beyond what we needed before? The paintings, as personal anecdotes and reflections, have come to fruition as a result of the desire to keep living itself, constantly questioning what it is we desire to at least feel a little bit alive in the moment.
Anya Bongato - Wet Dream Series 1 - Bubbles on Clam
Anya Bongato - Wet Dream Series 2 - Pearls on Clam
Anya Bongato - Wet Dream Series 3 - The Lovers
Anya Bongato - Wet Dream Series 4 - Vigil - A Tale of Selene and Endymion
Cholo Cardenas - Journey Into the Unknown (Series 1)
Cholo Cardenas - Journey Into the Unknown (Series 2)
Cholo Cardenas - Journey Into the Unknown (Series 3)
Cholo Cardenas - Journey Into the Unknown (Series 4)
Cholo Cardenas - Journey Into the Unknown (Series 5)
Cholo Cardenas - Take the Leap
Victoria Fabella - Door
Victoria Fabella - Mess
Victoria Fabella - Sanctum
Victoria Fabella - Table 1
Victoria Fabella - Table 2