Fermentation is described as a chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts or other microorganisms. It brings about change and involves a complex process that requires time and patience for a desirable end-product.
“Walking Chemical Reaction” is a three-man show by Steph Alvarez, Abbey Batocabe and Pat Frades which examines the concept of fermentation under the lenses of these contemporary artists.
Steph Alvarez - Genesis
Steph Alvarez - Outgrowth
Steph Alvarez - Six Phases of Change (And Counting)
Abbey Batocabe - Constant Flux 13
Abbey Batocabe - Constant Flux 14
Abbey Batocabe - Constant Flux 32
Abbey Batocabe - Constant Flux 33
Abbey Batocabe - Constant Flux series 32-33 (Diptych)
Pat Frades - I Sow Future Wrinkles 1
Pat Frades - I Sow Future Wrinkles 2
Pat Frades - One in the Same, Two of a Kind