Reality is neither Black nor White, for the shades in between them define facets of life that are essential to our own judgment. MONO aims to showcase introspective works from six local contemporary artists, uniting them all through their monochromatic color palettes.
Isadore Lerio - Is Too Weak 1 (Portrait of Seneca)
Isadore Lerio - Is Too Weak 2 (Portrait of Marcus Aurelius)
Miguel Franco - Elements Are Subjects Too
Miguel Franco - I’ll Leave This Here
Paul Magisa - Bound
Paul Magisa - Warm Embrace
Azor Pazcoguin - Behind the Scene
Azor Pazcoguin - Bishop
Azor Pazcoguin - Tiara
Nix Puno - The Mercy Seat and a Cloud the Size of a Man’s Hand
Nix Puno - The Mercy Seat and Red Sea
Nix Puno - The Mercy Seat and the Least in My Father’s House
Buddy San Juan - Mishaps and Alibis II
Buddy San Juan - Mishaps and Alibis III
Buddy San Juan - Mishaps and Alibis