Welcome back to our new normal...
Safety, care, and protection have always been a vital concern for our gallery. With the gradual reopening of businesses in Metro Manila, we are pleased to be open to you again. To ensure that you can enjoy your visit safely and again experience our exhibitions, we have compiled quick answers to some frequently asked questions. We kindly ask that you observe the general hygiene guidelines while visiting our gallery.
Yes, the gallery is open. Our usual business hours apply.
We are open from 12:00nn to 6:00pm, Tuesdays through Saturdays. You no longer need to set appointments to visit the gallery.
The sanitation and cleaning intervals have been increased in our gallery. Foot baths are installed in the entrance and disinfectants located in strategic places.
There are no restrictions as of November 1, 2022.
The local government has issued clear restrictions on the movement of individuals which also apply to your gallery visits. Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed, with valid proof of vaccination.
On top of those restrictions, the following individuals will be restricted entry to the gallery: Anyone whose thermal scan temperature check is above 37.5c°.
Contact tracing forms via UMake Makati Safe QR or Stay Safe QR are now optional. For more information, please see https://umakemakatisafe.com/
The gallery is now operating at full capacity. Crowd control measures no longer apply.
A maximum of 40 people is allowed inside, at all times, as prescribed by the local government.
The wearing of a mask covering both your mouth and nose are now optional.
See our “Safety First” poster below.
For IATF resolutions, please visit https://doh.gov.ph/COVID-19/IATF-Resolutions